*7 Years Old - 50 Pounds
*Loving, Sweet, Cuddly, Goofy
*Medium-to-High Energy
2*People Friendly
*Potty Trained
*Crate Trained
*Fenced Yard Preferred
*Must Be Only Dog
Hi, my name is Phineas (called Finn), and I'm brokenhearted. Let me explain. FTF rescued me 5
years ago, and I was adopted by a couple without children who doted on me. Life was great, yet
(as any rescue pooch will tell you), I never took my forever home for granted, remembering all
too well what it was like to be alone and scared on the streets. Recently, mom and dad had a
baby, and to be honest, I had a hard time adjusting to my new position in the family. I started
guarding everything that belonged to me (food bowl, toys), and this behavior became more
aggressive-especially toward my dad and grandpa. Absolutely no biting, but a lot of growling.
So I was returned to FTF, homeless again and looking for my true forever home in an adults-
only household.
Here are some things you'll want to know about me. I have a fun and silly personality that will
make you laugh. For example, Halloween is my favorite holiday. In my previous home, I wore
my Cerberus costume (the 3-headed dog from Greek mythology) every year, delighting
grownups and kids alike as I was walked through the neighborhood. I also enjoy lending my
voice to the singing of Happy Birthday to celebrating family and friends (and sharing some cake
and ice cream, of course). My favorite outdoor activities are long walks and running free in a
fenced yard or enclosed dog park (you'll be amazed at how fast I am). Once I've worked off my
energy and return home, I morph into a couch potato, pawing for pets and snuggling into your
arms to give kisses. If you'll let me, I'll sleep on your bed, so I can remain close to you all night
As for the basics, my house manners are impeccable. I know all the basic commands (sit, stay,
down, paw), am fully potty trained (I stand by the door and bark when I need to go out), and
can be left alone uncrated for 6 to 7 hours. I have some lingering anxiety issues, which are
controlled with regular exercise and a single pill daily. Resource guarding is something I need to
stop. With your help, I know I'll succeed, and FTF can provide lots of assistance in this area.
I guess that's all I have to tell you for now. My former parents said I was a wonderful companion, and I so desperately want to fulfill that role again. I hope you'll be the one to give me that chance. I promise you, my deep brown eyes will light up with joy the first time I see your face!
Love and licks,

Adoption Fees
When you adopt a dog, you're not buying a pet. Your donation isn't a fee for your adoptee - it's a gift that helps us pursue our mission, save lives, and ensure we can provide care to all the dogs in our program.
Senior dog. 8 years and up / $125
Adult or Young Dog. 6 months to 7 years / $375
Puppies. Under 6 months / $450
Adoption Requirements
Lives in 50 mile radius of Itasca within the Illinois border
Be at least 21 years of age
Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household
Have approval from owner of the residence (written in lease)
Have a valid ID with current address
Be approved as a suitable adoptive home by Fetching Tails Foundation
Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment